2022-23 Responsible Futures Host Partnerships
October 26, 2022
SOS-UK are delighted to announce our 2022-23 Host Partnerships for Responsible Futures – University of Derby and Students’ Union and University of West England and Students’ Union!
Responsible Futures is SOS-UK's supported change programme for a whole-institution approach to embedding sustainability in learning. Network learning amongst partnerships (institution and students' union or equivalent) is a key element of Responsible Futures – and Host Partnerships play a leadership role in this. To be considered, an accredited partnership needs to be willing to share their best practice and learnings, and support other partnerships’ development and achievement of the RF accreditation.

This year, the Host Partnerships will contribute to upcoming support afternoons covering Partnership Working for Responsible Futures (6th December, 2022) and Employability and Education for Sustainable Development (16th March, 2023) as well as deliver webinars sharing their good practice on an area of their choice.
Here is what the Host Partnerships have to say about their role this year:
“The University and Union of Students are really pleased to be a Host Partnership for the year ahead. Having just recently gained Responsible Futures accreditation for the first time, we are keen to encourage still more momentum for this institution-wide project. It’s also a great opportunity to share and discuss examples of our sustainability practice with a wider audience. We are particularly looking forward to facilitating discussions about nature connectedness and the student experience.” - University of Derby and Derby Union of Students Responsible Futures Partnership
“UWE Bristol and The SU at UWE are proud to be a Responsible Futures Host Partnership for 22-23. We are strong supporters of the Responsible Futures scheme and are keen to help it to further promote education for sustainable development within FE and HE. We will be seeking accreditation for the fourth time this academic year and hope very much to share our experience of working closely and effectively together to develop opportunities for students to learn about and practice sustainable development. We look forward to working with other Host Partnerships to deliver a range of events and workshops for the wider FE and HE sector.” - University of the West of England and the Students' Union at UWE Responsible Futures Partnership
We can’t wait to see what the participating partnerships achieve this year within Responsible Futures and are delighted to have University of Derby and Students’ Union and University of West England and Students’ Union playing a leadership role in Responsible Futures network learning.
If you are interested in learning more about Responsible Futures, please visit our website or contact Sonya Peres.