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Aston University


April 10, 2015

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In 2020/2021, Aston University & Aston Students’ Union embraced the Responsible Futures programme and became an active partnership. The partnerships first Responsible Futures audit was conducted in 2021, resulting in their attainment of the Responsible Futures accreditation. In 2023/2024, the partnership achieved re-accreditation, marking a recent milestone.

Students and staff at Aston University

Highlights of work

Key contacts

The main contact for the partnership is Gourdarz Poursharif. In order to prioritise the work around ESD and the Responsible Futures programme, the partnership has formed an ESD working group, solely dedicated to focusing on the work surrounding Responsible Futures. If you'd like to learn more about the work at Aston University, please get in touch and we'd be happy to provide further information or make introductions.


"As an institution, the Responsible Futures accreditation process has been instrumental in driving forward smart actions to achieve whole-institution transformation. It's not just about meeting standards; it's about embedding  a culture of responsibility and sustainability across every facet of our university. Through this process, we've realised opportunities for innovation, fostered deeper collaborations, and empowered our community to contribute to a more responsible and sustainable future. The journey toward re-accreditation has become a catalyst for holistic institutional change, shaping not only what we do, but who we are as an educational institution committed to making a positive impact on the world inline with Aston 2030 Strategy". - Dr Goudarz Poursharif, Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for Education, Aston University