Host Partnerships 2019-20: Meet UWE Bristol and The SU at UWE
December 1, 2019
UWE Bristol and its Student's Union first joined the Responsible Futures Programme in 2015 as part of the pilot cohort. As one of three host partnerships, they aim to share their leadership and learnings from the progress they've made as part of the programme.

The partnership prides itself on its strong collaboration between UWE and its Students' Union (SU) in providing ESD training for SU presidents, elected officers and course reps. As a host partnership, UWE Bristol are focused on creating workshops facilitating different approaches to student engagement in HE, exploring the barriers to student participation in sustainability and social responsibility initiatives, and they aim to present this research at the next EAUC Conference. They also aim to undertake a review of the first five years of the Responsible Futures programme, in order to understand its impact on FHEIs and students' unions, to inform the next five years!
UWE Bristol and The SU at UWE are proud to be a Responsible Futures Host Partnership for 2019-20 because we feel that the Responsible Futures scheme is an excellent vehicle for promoting education for sustainable development within FE and HE. We hope very much to share our experience of working closely and effectively together to develop opportunities for students to learn about and practice sustainable development in order to help other institutions to do the same. We look forward to working with other Host Partnerships to deliver a range of events and workshops for the wider FE and HE sector, and to drawing on the experience of other institutions in working towards and achieving Responsible Futures accreditation as part of our 5 year review of the scheme.
UWE and The SU at UWE Responsible Futures Support day 2019
10.00am - 4.00pm, 4th December 2019, The SU at UWE
On the 4th December 2019, UWE will be hosting a support day for all participating Responsible Futures partnerships. This will be an opportunity to share learning across the cohort, explore success and challenges faced by all partnerships. Drawing on the strengths of the UWE partnership, our hosts will be leading a session on student engagement and introducing the 5 year review of Responsible Futures.
To confirm your attendance for this support day please get in touch by 25th November 2019.