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University of Exeter


April 10, 2015

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Since September 2022, the University of Exeter and Falmouth and Exeter Students' Union has been a partnership of the Responsible Futures programme. The partnership is currently working towards the goal of obtaining their Responsible Futures accreditation for their upcoming 2024 audit.

Highlights of work

“We have used one of our self defined criteria to highlight the work of the arts and creative campaigns in raising awareness of the climate crisis. This is a snapshot of our collaboration with the Sustainability Team, a student group, and the Arts and Energy Collective on World Mental Health Day”.

Students working together on The Mossy Carpet event at the University of Exeter

Key contacts

The main contacts for the partnership are Beth Lewis and Tim Hughes. If you'd like to learn more about the work at the University of Exeter, please get in touch and we'd be happy to provide further information or make introductions.

"The Responsible Futures framework has transformed how student groups can access, influence, and collaborate with their University by providing them with the language and mechanisms the institution is familiar with to communicate student needs and opinions. It is a rare thing to find a tool that simplifies the process of communication between students and staff, especially when supported by such a responsive and knowledgeable team at SOS-UK. The sustainability agenda in higher education requires focus, direction, suitable resources, and accessibility, and Responsible Futures has enabled our community to start to provide this at the University of Exeter" - Beth Lewis- Sustainable Education Project Manager