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University of Strathclyde


April 10, 2015

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The University of Strathclyde & Strath Union became a part of the Responsible Futures programme in 2022, demonstrating their commitment to fostering a culture of sustainability by immersing students into the learning experience. In 2023, the partnership successfully obtained the Responsible Futures accreditation from their initial audit.

Host Partnership

The partnership has taken the role of host partnership in 2023/2024. They have delivered webinars about:

Highlights of work

Self defined criteria 2023

  • ESD@Strath, which includes VIP4SD

Key Contact

The main contact for the partnership is Tracy Morse. If you'd like to learn more about the work at the University of Strathclyde, please get in touch and we'd be happy to provide further information or make introductions.

"Taking part in the Responsible Futures programme provided an excellent leverage point for us as an institution to work actively with students to review where we are and where we need to go. The outputs from the audit helped provide evidence to support our ambitions to mainstream education of sustainable development, and really see the challenges from the students perspective. Lots of work ahead, but also opportunities to work together for a sustainable future".